Predators of Kilimanjaro HD

Digital Copy

HD adult/18+ comic

This is a way to support Predators of Kilimanjaro and get it in HD!
5$ minimum PWYW, 8$ suggested. Edit as you like!

Predators of Kilimanjaro is the first in a possible series of adult/ages 18+ predator-prey encounters across the globe. This first issue centers around Rehzi the gazelle and Mihari the cheetah. It is a straight, 20+ page comic with simple story and themes, and despite the name and such, is not vore. This comic is made possible by all of my awesome Patreon supporters who get to see it as it's made early, in higher res, as well as see my process, and provide input. This is a way to support it alternatively to Patreon, and get the files in HD as a 'thank-you'! Since the comic is posted for free publicly, I rely solely on donations and pledges to fund this work!

Included is all 23 pages in web-size and HD-size in a ZIP file. You will need a ZIP-packaging program to open it. File size is 33mb.

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USD 5.00

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