This ZIP file contains all of the artwork completed for my Patreon in 2014, when it launched in August. The images above are examples of the work done in each month, and the names next to each month are of the Patreon pinup done for it; most months have additional artwork included.
The suggested price is 10$, but the PWYW(pay-what-you-want) amount is zero; you can get this for free if you like, or enter your own amount, whatever you think my work is worth! Here's what the full ZIP file contains:
23 HD files of pinup work, inks, text-free and alternate versions of work done.
7 PSD files of pinups and other work to look at my layer process.
100+ sketch and web-res files of all sorts of things, some posted, some not.
Thank you for supporting my work! Or at least looking! Check my other PWYW stuff here on E-Junkie.