This is two ZIP files, 511mb and 737mb, containing all of the artwork completed for my Patreon in 2016. This also contains the whole comic "Red Princess" in HD with unused concept art and more. The images above are examples of the work done in each month, and the names next to each month are of the main Patreon artworks done in that month; most months have additional artwork included, and many of them are alternate versions of a single image.
The suggested price is $8; you can enter $0 to get it for free, but you can also enter more if you think my art is worth it.~315 HD files of pinup work, inks, text-free and alternate versions of work done.
~350 sketch and web-res files of the same art, plus any WIPs, misc sketches, concept work, thumbnails, etc.
Thank you for supporting my work! Or at least looking! Check my other PWYW stuff here on E-Junkie. If you're having issues at all with the files, links, etc. let me know at fkevlar[at]gmail[dot]com